Sunday, August 17, 2008

Everybody's Birthday Day

I just wanted to tell you guys how much fun i had and the children had Friday at our "Everybody's Birthday Party."It was sooooo exciting. To explain a little bit of why we were haivng this party is becuase all my children had their birthdays (two that week, one before school started, 1 in teh begining of Aug. and one in Dec when were already out of school) So i thought why not celebrate them all at once and make one huge party full of fun out of it....So thast what we did..... I set up a little Thursday- but finished my room off with balloons, little party whistles, hats, a b-day sign, and stickers Friday so it would be a surprise for them, I was all set and ready for when the little ones got to school. I asked them what today was and they just started screaming and hollaring about a was too cute. When they walked in and saw the balloons they were beyond happy/ excited (i was too so i cant blame we started our day by coloring bday pics that i had found for them. My kids LOVE to color so i had a bunch for them.... After that we had balloon time (my favorite part of the day). They were tooo cute and had sooo much fun that i had severall teachers come in to just watch them play with'em. Cristian even decided to dance with as many balloons as he possibly could it was too funny. After all the excitment with balloons they calemd down "a little" and we watched a movie (Veggie Tales is awesome) and they love it...As they were watching thier movie i got things ready for next Monday for class- so it was nice to have them so quiet and calm but still have a blast. After their movie time we had cupcakes...and man were they good. Karen three of my kids' mom made them for us..... YUMMMMMY ! Much thanks to Karen for all her help..... We then did centers which they really enjoyedwe did people centers animal centers, dinosuar centers, blocks, and playdough......It was a blast..... then we had more balloon time, and topped off the day with some story time! I think the day went great!!!! Alot of FUN! The only problem of the day was little Deisy had a siezure and scared me to death, we knew she had them and so I called Jennifer right away so Jennifer came to check on her and make sure Deisy was fine (which praise God she was) ....just scary for me and miss reina.... that was at the very end of the day so at least she had a blast and loads of fun before all that happen. After that we got their shoes on, pakced up their bookbags, and took them to their families....Ithink our everybody birthday party went great. I kinda wish we could have on of them parties
Well i gotta go for now but i wanted you all to hear about our fun, excting and very crazy b-day day....I'll be writing and updating my blog again very soon so keep in touch. I love you all and pray for you all everyday! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School and all that comes with it.....

Hey everyone! I miss you all sooo much. I hope your all doing great! Know that i am thinking and praying for you all everyday. I am doing pretty good- staying busier now that school started. We are into our second week. It's so awesome.....God has blessed me so much to be able to work with the children here. My preschool children are tooo cute, they keep me busy- but its a load of fun. I love it! My science class (the one I was worried about the most) seems to be going very well too. I have 3 girls and 1 boy in that class (2- 8th graders, & 2 - 9th graders). The girls told me before class ever started one night "i hate science- i don't like it..." so i was kinda worried but its going great. They are very hard workers. My Public Speaking class is amazing. I have 4 - 12th graders . They work very hard too, and we have had a lot of fun so far this year. They already had their first speech (last Friday). It was an "About Me" Speech . They did awesome. All A's & B"s so i was extremely excited- and when i actually get my public speaking book that mom is sending me, then I think the class will get even better. Music and PE are so much fun- in fact my music classes are going to be singing for graduation in November. I'm not sure what the 2nd & 3rd graders are singing. But my 1st grade class is singing: Jesus Loves Me & The B-I-B-L-E. My 4-6th grader class is singing "Lord I Lift Your Name On High....I think I am going to have an incredible year-!
Wednesday's when we have brigades here at the ranch, we go to the compo (soccer field) and the older kids play soccer with the brigade team, and my class and the kindergarten class plays on the playground until 12 then i take them to their houses. And schools over for me for the day! It's really cool.
This week is going to be exciting for my preschoolers because today was Marlon's B-day, tomorrows is Deisy's b-day.... Yolibeth was in July, and David's was in Aug as well....Cristian's is in Dec. (but were not in school for it) So Friday is B-DAY PARTY DAY for everyone!!!! Karen (David, Yolibeth, and Deisy's mom) is making cupcakes and I'm going to find games and have them able to play diff. centers all day actually work just FUN!!! Their very happy and excited. (me too...yeah!!!!)
Other then that i pretty much just hang out with my roommate's/ other teachers, watch movies, listen to music, and grade papers when stuff.....Well i have to be going now- Going to go watch a movie with Jae and Brett.....Love and miss you all ! Keep in touch... God Bless!!!!