Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Graduation, Holidays, and Stones....

Hey everybody….
I just wanted to update you all on things going on around here at the ranch. To start off with first, we had graduation back in Nov. for two of the seniors here Oscar, and Nilsy. (which I taught public speaking too) I am so excited for them, and was very impressed with all that they learned and their speeches they gave for graduation. I am very sad to see them leave Oscar moves to the bridge house in Jan. and Nilsy already is at the bridge house. But I’m excited to see them start a new journey in their lives.

Next we had thanksgiving at the mission house with all the WGO staff. I was very nice we had tons of yummmmmy food- and had plenty of good company and laughs. Plus they had a place to watch football, make free phone calls, play with the little ones , and the view from the mission house is amazing . I got to look out over the mountains and city and realize how grateful I am to be here in Honduras , teaching , learning new things, and growing closer to God everyday. So it turned out to be a very nice thanksgiving day.

The next thing I wanted to share is ‘Christmas” – all of us single girls decided to do a secret santa and we actually did it in Nov before Jae and Brett left for the states (they are getting married so they went home to prepare for it –). So thast what we did. So actually even though its technically not Christmas yet to me it kinda feels like Christmas is already over- but it was still very nice to have a tree that’s all decorated, plus stockings we hung on our wall- we also have all been listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies together so its been very nice holidays for me here in Honduras. I got a very fuzzy, warm blanket from my secret santa which turned out to be Kelly (one of my roommates). Plus a very awesome calendar. So I enjoyed our holiday time together- I will miss not being with everyone at home for the holidays but know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all- I hope and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

The last thing I wanted to share is to ask you all to be in prayer for me and my health. I have been struggling for about 3 months now not feeling well and having lots of pain in my stomach and back- Well last Tuesday Jennifer, Hannah, and Sarah rushed me to the emergency room thinking it was my appendix- and thank God it wasn’t and there was no need for surgery- but the doctors did figure out that I have kidney stones- so I have been drinking tons of water…and praying that I’ll get better here very soon!
My pain is off and on but I think that I am starting to feel better- so well see. Guess water will be a close friend of mine from now on- because kidney stones hurt beyond belief. So learn from me…Drink water!!!! Lots of it…LOL

Well just wanted to update you all about what’s going on with me here, and all the new things happening around the holidays. I love , miss, and pray for you all. Keep in touch as much as possible- I love hearing from you . I will write again soon. Till then God Bless, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Residency and the circus....

Hey Yall! I Just wanted to let you all know that I have an HUGE praise.....I am now officially a Honduran Resident! YAYYYYYY! I am soooo excited! It hasn't been the easiest thing for me- I have had alot of trouble from papers not being done correctly, to visa renewals, to checks problems and so on... So I just want to praise God and let you all know its completed and done with .... I am now a resident...I should get my official card for it here in a few months after it gets made...Right now i have a paper copy of it. This is such a great relief to me, no more struggling with it. So thanks God for such a wonderful blessing and a great day in the city as well.

The next fun thing i wanted to tell you is about what we saw sitting in traffic after getting our stuff done at immigration today. We (me, jennifer, and kelly) well we were in jenns car waiting on traffic to get moving when we heard this loud goofy music playing and two clowns waving and being silly- all of a sudden here comes these cages with 5 to 6 tigers... then another vehicle with this elephant and someone riding him, followed by another cage with llamas, camels, goats ect... A circus on wheels in the middle of traffic..HOW COOL HUH? How many times do you get entertainment like a circus while waiting in a long line of traffic...I thought it was awesome and just wanted to share about my blessed and fun day in the city....Hope you all are doing great too....I love and miss you all very much and continue to pray for you everyday! Well gotta go for now- send me emails about your days and blessings as well as prayers when you get a chance....Well talk to you all agian very soon. God Bless!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Update plus two animal stories for ya...

Hola everyone.... just wanted to say first that I'm doing good- miss you all very very much!!! I have been busy doing school things, staying in houses while houseparents are away, and organizing the art room for the school which is looking much better now a days.... :) Its getting pretty cold here so I'm also trying to stay nice and warm since i didn't bring warm clothes (silly me thinking this place was going to be beyond hot and stuffy....lol) But anyways hope everyone is doing great too- I'd love to hear from you all (it makes me feel close to home) so if you have time and want send me a little email and I'll get back to you as soon as i possible can. We are having a little problem right now with electricity so I haven't been on alot lately- but when i am i love reading emails from family and friends so keep on sending them..... Well now for two little but exciting stories (well kinda scary for me- but I thought you might like ot hear them...)
The first story is about ...u guessed it a SPIDER. The other night I went out barefoot to do my wash and as i turned around to head inside to watch a movie with Jae and Brett- i noticed this "thing" that jumped..I truly thought it was a frog because it was big and hoppy... so I actually turned back around and was going to try to get closer and catch it or something...WHAT WAS I THINKING.....lol.. well i guess you figured it out...wasn't a frog Amanda...lol... nope was a big giant black spider... i was sooo scared i dashed to the door to look back and see it running after me (now i know most are going to think it wasn't chasing me and I'm sure it wasn't after me either ) but all i saw was this thing chasing me so i slammed the front door almost in tears i may add- and said umm Brett, Brett, can you do me a favor and he had already figured it out.... so hes like spider..okay i can kill it.... and headed for the door...as he got there opened it a tad and slammed it back he said "Holy crap that's a big spider...." but he did open the door again and kill it for me...YEAHHHHH I was happy..Thanks Brett!!!! By the way i made a new Amanda rule: NO going barefoot on the porch anymore...lol

The second story happened just a few days ago... It was 12 and I was heading my preschool class back to their houses and me and Cristian were walking a head - all of a sudden he stopped and turned to me and said "Miss Amanda, Snake...." I thought he saw one behind us so as i went to take another step forward i also turned around to see it- and as i did i happened to look down and realized it wasn't behind us it was under my foot.....ahhhhh! I was inches if that from stepping on it- it looked and me and i at it and it took off as fast as can be....Now I'm not scared of snakes but the idea of my foot being pretty much on it kinda freaked me out....Cristian the rest of the way home said "I save Miss Amanda... I saved Miss Amanda..." He's my little hero.... First live snake I have really seen here and yes leave it to me to almost step on him- plus if he wanted to he could have bit me no problem because i was wearing flip flops.... so I watch where I'm walking a little more carefully now...
Well hope you liked the two stories- I thought you would want to here my little adventures.... I love and miss you all sooo much... Thanks for all your support and love and continued prayers for me ...I will blog again soon....Till then God Bless! And Be Safe!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hi Again Everybody

Hi everybody, its me- sorry it's been awhile! Staying busy with school, getting my residency started, and all the in between stuff going on here at the ranch.

First, a big praise- is that my residency is finally started...Yeah!!!! Now every 30 days until it is finished I have to go to immigration and renew my visa. God willing it won't take too long to go through.... But i also know it all in God;s timing so I guess we will see. :)

The 2nd thing i wanted to share with you all is school stuff going on... We just had "Culture Day" for their dia de independencia... or (independence day). We had a huge celebration in the bodega ( like our big multi-purpose room). Each class/ grade throughout the school did presentations about Honduras; discussing people, places and foods typical to our location. I thought it was very interesting. My little preschoolers dressed up as indians and they were sooooo adorable!!! I also had a chance to see my pubic speaking class present to an audience- and i have to say i was impressed! They all did so great! I was so excited to see the difference in them from the begining of the semester to now . They have learned quite a lot already. At the end of the program we had
food that was typical to Hondurans. Man was it good. Yummmmm, especially the little totillas filled with beans, montiquea (kinda like sour cream), and cheese... i loved them things and eat them on a regular basis for lunch....

The last thing i wanted to share before i go is to say how much I miss and love you all! God has blessed me with so many wonderful friends, supporters, and family, plus the best parents anyone could ever have!!! They do so much for me and I am soo thankful for them each and every day! As well as all of you and i thought that was very important to let you all know. I pray and think of you all daily.Also i wanted to ask you all to please keep me informed with any and all prayer requests and praises .I would like to worship our God with you, as well as pray for any needs that may arise. Well got to run for now- until next time with love and prayers , God Bless!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Everybody's Birthday Day

I just wanted to tell you guys how much fun i had and the children had Friday at our "Everybody's Birthday Party."It was sooooo exciting. To explain a little bit of why we were haivng this party is becuase all my children had their birthdays (two that week, one before school started, 1 in teh begining of Aug. and one in Dec when were already out of school) So i thought why not celebrate them all at once and make one huge party full of fun out of it....So thast what we did..... I set up a little Thursday- but finished my room off with balloons, little party whistles, hats, a b-day sign, and stickers Friday so it would be a surprise for them, I was all set and ready for when the little ones got to school. I asked them what today was and they just started screaming and hollaring about a party...it was too cute. When they walked in and saw the balloons they were beyond happy/ excited (i was too so i cant blame them...lol) we started our day by coloring bday pics that i had found for them. My kids LOVE to color so i had a bunch for them.... After that we had balloon time (my favorite part of the day). They were tooo cute and had sooo much fun that i had severall teachers come in to just watch them play with'em. Cristian even decided to dance with as many balloons as he possibly could it was too funny. After all the excitment with balloons they calemd down "a little"...lol... and we watched a movie (Veggie Tales is awesome) and they love it...As they were watching thier movie i got things ready for next Monday for class- so it was nice to have them so quiet and calm but still have a blast. After their movie time we had cupcakes...and man were they good. Karen three of my kids' mom made them for us..... YUMMMMMY ! Much thanks to Karen for all her help..... We then did centers which they really enjoyedwe did people centers animal centers, dinosuar centers, blocks, and playdough......It was a blast..... then we had more balloon time, and topped off the day with some story time! I think the day went great!!!! Alot of FUN! The only problem of the day was little Deisy had a siezure and scared me to death, we knew she had them and so I called Jennifer right away so Jennifer came to check on her and make sure Deisy was fine (which praise God she was) ....just scary for me and miss reina.... that was at the very end of the day so at least she had a blast and loads of fun before all that happen. After that we got their shoes on, pakced up their bookbags, and took them to their families....Ithink our everybody birthday party went great. I kinda wish we could have on of them parties everyday...lol...
Well i gotta go for now but i wanted you all to hear about our fun, excting and very crazy b-day day....I'll be writing and updating my blog again very soon so keep in touch. I love you all and pray for you all everyday! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School and all that comes with it.....

Hey everyone! I miss you all sooo much. I hope your all doing great! Know that i am thinking and praying for you all everyday. I am doing pretty good- staying busier now that school started. We are into our second week. It's so awesome.....God has blessed me so much to be able to work with the children here. My preschool children are tooo cute, they keep me busy- but its a load of fun. I love it! My science class (the one I was worried about the most) seems to be going very well too. I have 3 girls and 1 boy in that class (2- 8th graders, & 2 - 9th graders). The girls told me before class ever started one night "i hate science- i don't like it..." so i was kinda worried but its going great. They are very hard workers. My Public Speaking class is amazing. I have 4 - 12th graders . They work very hard too, and we have had a lot of fun so far this year. They already had their first speech (last Friday). It was an "About Me" Speech . They did awesome. All A's & B"s so i was extremely excited- and when i actually get my public speaking book that mom is sending me, then I think the class will get even better. Music and PE are so much fun- in fact my music classes are going to be singing for graduation in November. I'm not sure what the 2nd & 3rd graders are singing. But my 1st grade class is singing: Jesus Loves Me & The B-I-B-L-E. My 4-6th grader class is singing "Lord I Lift Your Name On High....I think I am going to have an incredible year-!
Wednesday's when we have brigades here at the ranch, we go to the compo (soccer field) and the older kids play soccer with the brigade team, and my class and the kindergarten class plays on the playground until 12 then i take them to their houses. And schools over for me for the day! It's really cool.
This week is going to be exciting for my preschoolers because today was Marlon's B-day, tomorrows is Deisy's b-day.... Yolibeth was in July, and David's was in Aug as well....Cristian's is in Dec. (but were not in school for it) So Friday is B-DAY PARTY DAY for everyone!!!! Karen (David, Yolibeth, and Deisy's mom) is making cupcakes and I'm going to find games and have them able to play diff. centers all day long.....no actually work just FUN!!! Their very happy and excited. (me too...yeah!!!!)
Other then that i pretty much just hang out with my roommate's/ other teachers, watch movies, listen to music, and grade papers when needed...fun stuff.....Well i have to be going now- Going to go watch a movie with Jae and Brett.....Love and miss you all ! Keep in touch... God Bless!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

What's new with me...

Hey everyone… I miss you all and pray that you are all doing very well. Nothing major has been going on lately. I arrived 3 days earlier to the Ranch then expected, due to easier pick-up timing. Which I was very excited about. I have realized something God teaches and sends you to do things that may not really be what you think they are for. Confused yet? Lol…What I mean is that for instance me and Jennifer were talking and yes I went to the city to learn Spanish , but I really don’t think that was Gods goal for me in the city, and Jennifer agreed . I mean I learned a lot thanks to my teacher and more importantly GOD himself, who helped my out more then I could ever explain. But I think he wanted me there to learn more about myself. He wanted to teach me that I can do anything through Him. (which is my favorite verse in the Bible - Phil. 4:13) But I truly saw that first hand and learned that as well. I was happy to learn Spanish but the feeling that I accomplished the 5weeks in the city without giving up; that I actually did it all on my own, in a foreign country was amazing. I know I could not have without Gods help. But I also on many occasions just knew I was never gonna make it, but hey I can and did with Him by my side. Wow He is an amazing God. I sure hope that makes sense to you all. Now I am also finishing getting my room and our house here at the ranch fixed up and comfy. I love it, it’s more like home now that I can put up pictures, get into my own room and quit living out of a suitcase. Lol… I am so excited. Plus I am in a house with 3 other teachers (Jae, Hannah, & ). They are sooo nice and they have been very helpful with everything.

I think within the next week or so I will be getting very busy here. Right now it’s very slow and laid back. Watch movies, listen to music, get settled in, stuff like that. But starting next week is teacher training. I am kinda nervous but also very excited and hopeful. I want to do my best for God as well as the children. I am defiantly teaching (which I have mentioned several times) but now its pretty official: Preschool, 12th grade Public Speaking, P.E., Music, and Science. Please continue to keep my in your prayers as I start getting ready for the school year. Any suggestions would be very helpful as well since I am new at teaching these classes. I still at times look around and am wowed by the fact that I am really in a foreign country and on my own living for God and hoping to be a good teacher who the children can open up to, trust, and learn from. I still really miss home and my family and friends but being at the ranch and with my roommates will defiantly be helpful, I don’t think I will get tooooo lonely with everything going on here. I would love family and friends pics though (if anybody has some to send for my family/friends wall, you can do so through email). This really has helped me. Whenever I am alone and start to miss home all I have to do is look up and see everyone, and I feel a little better. Well I got to go for right now I will post again soon. I love you all and miss you all bunches! God Bless!

I'm Back...

Hey Everybody…..I just wanted to update you all and let you know I am still alive….lol…thanks for baring with me and keeping me in your prayers through my schooling for 5 weeks in the city. Its because of pray that I made it through that’s for sure. I had many ups and downs. I think I learned a lot more then I expected too. Praise God. Its because of him and only him because I hardly know English good let alone another language…lol…..

Before I go into what all happen, I want to let everyone know that if you have written me emails please give me some time to get back to you, once I get my internet hooked up now that I am at the Ranch I can email back. I am sooo excited to hear from everyone about how things are going and what’s new in your lives. As well as if there are any prayer request for me to be praying for. I miss everyone soooo much.

Now for all the details of my trip in the city and language school: First my host family’s one daughter did speak “pekito” English. Pekito means very little….. but I thank God she did or I really aint sure I would have made it all 5 weeks. It was very trying. The life styles are very different and much harder but along the lines of what I thought it might be like. One of my biggest difficulties was showering in a bucket with dirty nasty city water. That doesn’t sounds so bad but try it for 5 weeks when you never know from day to day if you’ll have water or not. But I still think it was a good aspect of life for me to see. I had a lot of problems with your everyday SPIDER. However I didn’t see any tarantulas or scorpions so I guess I should count myself lucky. But I had my battles , in fact one night because of them I almost had to sleep in another room with the mother, but God helped me, as well as keeping one of the lights on most of the night…lol….I felt kinda dumb but at home I cry over the littlest ones and only see one maybe now and then. My room in the city was literally covered in them ranging from small to fairly big….So after the one ordeal with them Dona Ingrid saved me and took a broom to them all the next morning….Thanks Dona Ingrid. I am sooo grateful!

Anyways some other interesting things that happen were just living day to day, taking walks and going to class. I walked two blocks each morning by myself. The weird and kinda scary thing till I got used to it was that each morning I had to walk by and normally talk to guards of the area I was staying at “Los Robles” that just carry huge guns with them in case of anything bad that could go wrong. Yikes!!!! Around here its nothing to walk past someone holding a rifle or gun and just watching everyone . Its pretty creepy but its just another way of life here.

Another night I was in my room and Cory one of the daughters came home rushed to tell Paola something and took off. Paola kinda went crazy but I had a lot of problems understanding until she managed to slow down and tell me “policia matar” What she meant was a Police officer had been murdered. Shot right at one of the markets we walk to everyday in Los Robles. So I was pretty scared. But through everything our “Amazing and Awesome God was there keeping me from harm and showing/teaching me new things each day.

I think my biggest ordeal came straight from Satan himself. And I honestly thought that’s it I’m done, I’m going back to the ranch and I don’t care if I have 2 weeks left or not. I’m leaving. ….. The reason for this is my teachers dog attacked me. However its looked at the time worst then what it really was. I prayed and asked God to heal it, and keep me safe. I was very scared, and on top of it when he attacked me I went into a panic attack too. I couldn’t breathe, I felt nauseous, and dizzy, and everything. I’m okay now it took me till the next night to feel back to normal (as well as a phone call to mom and dad- I think that’s what made me okay…lol thank you mom and dad no matter where I am I know your with me and there for me. I love you more then I could say! ) My hand is hurting pretty bad but now I’m sure it will be just fine.

Anyways that’s just a few things that happen through my stay in the city. Some not so good but most of the time it was ok. I learned a lot, made new friends, and realized I can do anything with Gods help! I also learned that Satan is powerful and he can and will do anything to stop you from doing God’s will. But never forget Gods more powerful and in the end HE WINS!!!! What’s impossible with God on your side? (That’s my daddy and mine’s favorite saying from on of my families favorite movies “Facing the Giants” (if you haven’t seen it, you really need to it’s amazing” . I would think about that when I became overwhelmed with the hard or difficulties in the city, and I told Satan he can have a dog attack me, he can make me lonely, and try to stress me out but I’m not giving up and with Gods help I’ll make it no matter what. And guess what I did with Gods help.

Now I am back at the Ranch. Happy, busy, and loving it. Please continue to pray for me as I pray for you all too. I miss and love you all, Also thanks for all the prayers and support while I was in the city. I really needed them.

I will write again soon about my newest adventures. I have moving into the new teacher building, teacher training, and school starting all coming up fast. I m so excited and glad to be back at the ranch and with the other teachers and children, however

I miss and love you all very much, and if you couldn’t tell am kind of homesick, so please just keep me in your thoughts! PS. Here are some of the pictures of my host family, their house/my room, school, and my dog attack wounds….(they definitely felt worse then they look…the pics aren’t great of my bite but the hole in my palm actually is pretty deep, but like I said its getting better, I’ll let you know how it heals up…. We’ll talk to you all again very soon! God Bless!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm Here!!!

Hey Everybody....I just wanted to let you all know I arrived safely in Teg. on Monday night around 12:30ish. My flight went amazing. I was a little nervous at first, but after we took off everything was perfect. I think I'm reallllly going to love flying back and forth. I took alot of pics on the plane and when i arrived to the ranch, but Ill have to wait till I have some more time to upload them and post them. I miss everyone so much already, but I'm doing good. I love it here. I kinda wish i could bring everyone i loved here on a snap of my fingers. It is soooo pretty. It is also ALOT cooler then I thought it would be. Its cooler here then in NC thats for sure. I freeze at night without my blankets when were watching movies and goofing off.

I got to take a tour that Jennifer took me on to meet everyone , and see the school. I am so excited bout my classroom. I will have 5 children for the preschool class, but will also be teaching the music class, a PE class, and a computer research class to the seniors ...I am nervous but mostly excited! I cant wait. I think school starts in August.

Sunday I leave for the city to start spanish school. I just found out my host family speaks NO english , so for 5 weeks I'll be put to the test to learn spanish to communicate with them. They do this this way to make you have to learn it faster, by submersing you into it. I am very nervous but also kinda excited. Most teachers have never done this, so they are all telling me how jealous they are that I have the opportunity, so i feel very blessed. But know that i have no internet untill i get back to the Ranch so it will be like 6 weeks till i get to post again or send emails!

I also got to go into the city for the 1st time yesterday with a group of teachers. I was sooo fun, and vey different from in the states. The driving is crazy...they just drive everywhere and anywhere they can...and im not joking! Anyone who thinks the cities in the US are bad need to come here...lol.... But it was still very nice to see the culture and everything. Plus i got to eat at Chilis in the early afternoon, and had my fav for dinner PIZZA HUT!!!!

Well I think I better hop off here for now. Ill post again as soon as possibly. Next time I'll get to let you know just how much spanish i have learned and hopefully it will be ALOT!

I love and miss you all so much, and pray for you all everyday day! Please keep me in your prayers as I start language school next week. God Bless!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Change of Plans!

Hello Everybody...
I wanted to update you a little about my flight. It has been changed to June 9th. I was going to fly out June 7th, but Honduras has closed their airport in Tegucigalpa due to a plane crash...(yikes huh?) But I will be flying into a city a few hours away from there now. I also get a once in a lifetime experience due to new flight arrangements. I get to fly First Class! YIPPEEE ! Because when we got my ticket it was the only seat available in any flights to Honduras I cant believe I got the LAST seat available. And i had to get there so thats just what we had to take. I am sooo excited!!!!! The rest of the flights will be coach, so this time will be very fun and exciting for me. Please keep me in your prayers especially June 9th at 7pm. I'm hoping I love the plane ride since i have never have flown, but everyone tells me I will , so im pretty siked about it. Well i guess thats it for now. I will post again soon when i arrive in Tegucigalpa. I will then have a bunch to tell you I'm sure. All about my flight, my language school, my time in the city, and school starting....I am so happy that God has all this planned just for me. This is already looking like an amazing and incredible journey! Love you all! Talk to you again soon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to update you on somethings. I have recieved my email saying to pack my bags and get my plane ticket. So I am very excited! I will arrive in Honduras on June 7, 2008. That's just around the corner. Yippeeee! I will be staying at the ranch for a few days till one of the teachers I wanted to meet leaves for home. Then afterwards I will be going to a language school for about 6weeks. This makes me a little nervous, but I'm sure I'll do great! Please keep me in your prayers. I cant wait to get there, and now I won't have to wait very long!!! I'll be writing again soon, so keep in touch. Love you all! God Bless!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

WOW...Its been awhile...

Hi Everyone,
I am sorry i haven't updated lately but it's been a little busy round' here. I have been going to churches and doing my presentations all around NC lately. It's been crazy but loads of fun too. I am very excited. Its getting alot closer to the time I am leaving. Yippeee! Hopefully that will be sometime in May. :) I have also been getting things done such as my prayer cards, and yes, still raising my support. I am about $400 in monthly support away from having 100% of my goal. Well just wanted to give all of you a little update. I'm sure I'll be updating alot more now. So keep in touch . I ask you all to please continue to keep me in your prayers. Thanks to you all who are supporting me. I am so thankful for everything everyone has done, I am now so close to reaching my goal and getting to Honduras. I can't wait, this is already turning into an exciting, nervous, fun, and busy journey! God Bless!!! Love you all!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just a little update...

Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to let everybody know I talked to the new principle and she informed me of what exactly i will be doing there. I will be teaching the pre-school children (which is only half a day). I will then be teaching the 5 & 6 graders and 8 & 9 graders Language Arts. I will be teaching the 5 & 6 graders spelling and grammer, while teaching the older children liturature. I am so excited about this. I cant wait to get there, and I pray that I make a difference in the childrens lives there. I want to be the best teacher that i can for them, and i know with Gods help i will be.
I also want to let everybody know I am still working on raising my funds to get there. Its going a little slower then I anticipated. Please keep me in your prayers. If you have any questions about any of the paperwork I have sent to you please call, emial, or let me know so that i can help with anything needed.
I will update this again soon. Love you all! Dios Le Bendiga! (God Bless You) :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My story and fundraising...

Hi everyone, first i want to start off by thanking God for bringing me to this part of my life. I'm so excited and yes, nervous too but ready to go and do what God has planned for me.
Most know my story, its kind of long so if you want the full version then just email me and i will tell you about it. But the short version: is that I have felt like God was calling me to be a missionary since about the age of 14. I fought it and pushed it to the back of my head for quite awhile, but God made sure i never forgot about it. After going on a camping trip as a chaperone with the youth of my church i decided to follow what God has planned for me. However this wasn't as easy as it should have been so, I asked God to give me a sign to show me what i should do, and trust me when you ask, he answers and hasn't stopped giving me signs yet. This plan (mission) He has for me is to go to Honduras and work as a teacher to the orphaned children. I will be at Rancho Ebenezer in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
I recieved my final call in December from WGO (World Gospel Outreach) the organization that I will be going with saying i have the "green light" to start my fundraising, so here i am. I will be a self supported missionary there, so i will need everyone who would like to and feels lead by God to help me through prayers, and monetary support.
I am so incredibly excited. I can't wait to get there and begin working with the children and teaching them about God's love and what he can do if you only let him. I will update this blog as much as possible, so that you all know what's going on with me and my life there. Once again thanks be to God and to all who have already and will in the future support me through prayers and/ or monetary support. I love you all. Talk to you agian soon!
PS. I am not in Honduras yet, but when i get there this will be the best way to keep up with me. Due to unreliable internet connection and stuff. So please take the time to read and see pictures of what I am doing and how Gods working there, and I will update and post as much as possible. Thanks and God Bless!
Amanda Daugherty