Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm Here!!!

Hey Everybody....I just wanted to let you all know I arrived safely in Teg. on Monday night around 12:30ish. My flight went amazing. I was a little nervous at first, but after we took off everything was perfect. I think I'm reallllly going to love flying back and forth. I took alot of pics on the plane and when i arrived to the ranch, but Ill have to wait till I have some more time to upload them and post them. I miss everyone so much already, but I'm doing good. I love it here. I kinda wish i could bring everyone i loved here on a snap of my fingers. It is soooo pretty. It is also ALOT cooler then I thought it would be. Its cooler here then in NC thats for sure. I freeze at night without my blankets when were watching movies and goofing off.

I got to take a tour that Jennifer took me on to meet everyone , and see the school. I am so excited bout my classroom. I will have 5 children for the preschool class, but will also be teaching the music class, a PE class, and a computer research class to the seniors ...I am nervous but mostly excited! I cant wait. I think school starts in August.

Sunday I leave for the city to start spanish school. I just found out my host family speaks NO english , so for 5 weeks I'll be put to the test to learn spanish to communicate with them. They do this this way to make you have to learn it faster, by submersing you into it. I am very nervous but also kinda excited. Most teachers have never done this, so they are all telling me how jealous they are that I have the opportunity, so i feel very blessed. But know that i have no internet untill i get back to the Ranch so it will be like 6 weeks till i get to post again or send emails!

I also got to go into the city for the 1st time yesterday with a group of teachers. I was sooo fun, and vey different from in the states. The driving is crazy...they just drive everywhere and anywhere they can...and im not joking! Anyone who thinks the cities in the US are bad need to come But it was still very nice to see the culture and everything. Plus i got to eat at Chilis in the early afternoon, and had my fav for dinner PIZZA HUT!!!!

Well I think I better hop off here for now. Ill post again as soon as possibly. Next time I'll get to let you know just how much spanish i have learned and hopefully it will be ALOT!

I love and miss you all so much, and pray for you all everyday day! Please keep me in your prayers as I start language school next week. God Bless!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Change of Plans!

Hello Everybody...
I wanted to update you a little about my flight. It has been changed to June 9th. I was going to fly out June 7th, but Honduras has closed their airport in Tegucigalpa due to a plane crash...(yikes huh?) But I will be flying into a city a few hours away from there now. I also get a once in a lifetime experience due to new flight arrangements. I get to fly First Class! YIPPEEE ! Because when we got my ticket it was the only seat available in any flights to Honduras I cant believe I got the LAST seat available. And i had to get there so thats just what we had to take. I am sooo excited!!!!! The rest of the flights will be coach, so this time will be very fun and exciting for me. Please keep me in your prayers especially June 9th at 7pm. I'm hoping I love the plane ride since i have never have flown, but everyone tells me I will , so im pretty siked about it. Well i guess thats it for now. I will post again soon when i arrive in Tegucigalpa. I will then have a bunch to tell you I'm sure. All about my flight, my language school, my time in the city, and school starting....I am so happy that God has all this planned just for me. This is already looking like an amazing and incredible journey! Love you all! Talk to you again soon.