Saturday, July 31, 2010

Internet stick means an update .....Yippeee

Hey Y'all what's everyone been up too? I know yet again it's been a long time since I have updated this thing.... I have been pretty busy, with school, adjusting to things here again, sickness and lots of it, and yes unfortunately spiders, even a scorpion (in my room...). First off I guess I should say school's going goood. I mainly teach English to the kindergarten class. I have a bag full of things for them to learn the names of plus I work with the alphabet, numbers, and things I draw on the board for them . Its great, they seem to be learning lots. I have had some of the parents come in saying they go home and tell them-- mommy or daddy this is... in English....which makes me feel happy and proud of my students. Plus it teaches the parents who don't know any English some words too. Second thing I have been up too is being sick. God is helping me cope but it's definitely been hard. I have had 2 sinus infections which are very abnormal for me, I never get them in the states. I have had "amoebas", which for those who may not know are parasites that cause lots of problems and hurt very badly. I am still dealing with stomach issues that right now I ain't sure whats wrong, but I know God will help me through it all. The doctor even said its probably a good thing to be getting sick a little to get used to things here in the food, and water, but I just think at the time I'm missing school (which I hate to do) and this stinks cause it hurts like crazy! My doc at home says because of the accident I was in before coming back to Honduras, my immune system is very low which happens to mean for me, I get just about everything that enters my system, instead of my body fighting it off.... Fun huh? but I'm doing alright..... just got to rely on God to get me through and help me till I feel better! which i know He will. I have also dealt with a few nasty creepy things here since I have been back. Of course Spiders.... which doesn't make my day or night, that's for sure :( thankfully they have mostly been in our bathroom. But the other day for the first time here in Honduras I had a scorpion. He was just a little thing but scared me and my roommates because he was a quick fast little booger. We caught him under a cup , snapped a lot of pics of him then my roommate stomped him to death. Glad she was here cause I didn't want to kill him I was it's going alright, I definitely missss home more then I can say. My family, friends, and church , you guys are very important to me, and I think of you all often and pray for you as well. I missss you guys all so much and love you bunches too!!!! I am trying to think of what I am forgetting to tell you about school, being sick, the pesky critters, oh I remember-- we had a group here from Puerto Rico that was awesome~!!! I made some very wonderful friends. They we here to help out doing church events, and working with the children. They were amazing!!!! In fact they want me to go to Puerto Rico to visit but I gotta wait on God's timing and money before I can get the chance to do that. But hopefully I'll get to, someday in the future. Well I'm not sure what I'm leaving out but I'm sure after I end this I'll remember something else so until next time remember I love you alot and so does God! God Bless you all!