Saturday, January 12, 2008

My story and fundraising...

Hi everyone, first i want to start off by thanking God for bringing me to this part of my life. I'm so excited and yes, nervous too but ready to go and do what God has planned for me.
Most know my story, its kind of long so if you want the full version then just email me and i will tell you about it. But the short version: is that I have felt like God was calling me to be a missionary since about the age of 14. I fought it and pushed it to the back of my head for quite awhile, but God made sure i never forgot about it. After going on a camping trip as a chaperone with the youth of my church i decided to follow what God has planned for me. However this wasn't as easy as it should have been so, I asked God to give me a sign to show me what i should do, and trust me when you ask, he answers and hasn't stopped giving me signs yet. This plan (mission) He has for me is to go to Honduras and work as a teacher to the orphaned children. I will be at Rancho Ebenezer in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
I recieved my final call in December from WGO (World Gospel Outreach) the organization that I will be going with saying i have the "green light" to start my fundraising, so here i am. I will be a self supported missionary there, so i will need everyone who would like to and feels lead by God to help me through prayers, and monetary support.
I am so incredibly excited. I can't wait to get there and begin working with the children and teaching them about God's love and what he can do if you only let him. I will update this blog as much as possible, so that you all know what's going on with me and my life there. Once again thanks be to God and to all who have already and will in the future support me through prayers and/ or monetary support. I love you all. Talk to you agian soon!
PS. I am not in Honduras yet, but when i get there this will be the best way to keep up with me. Due to unreliable internet connection and stuff. So please take the time to read and see pictures of what I am doing and how Gods working there, and I will update and post as much as possible. Thanks and God Bless!
Amanda Daugherty