Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Packing & Moving, and the stay in the Hospital...Ocotepeque Here I Come

Hey everyone... here's an update... First I have moved again . This time to the other side of Honduras, Ocotepeque. I will be helping in a school teaching English to many different grade levels. It´s going to be awesome! After classes are over my plan is to help out at an orphanage there working with the babies and young children. I am sooo excited. It´s beautiful here not HOT like in La Masica so you know I´m loving it. We're right against some mountains so its a view to die for. I walk back and forth cause it´s such a small town. So from the school to my house, and to the other orphanage ect...
However the journey to Ocotepeque was by far an adventure, some good and some scary as heck! I ended up getting picked up and loaded everything into their truck to head to the new place, fun, exhausting and exciting.... By the end of the night however when we stopped at a motel I was not feeling so hot, my stomach was in massive pain, and my head hurt, but I thought it was amoebas or something like I had just had, so I tried to ignore it. By morning time I was in so much pain, I couldn't stand it. My head and stomach hurt, I was freezing then hot, had a slight fever which is completely not normal for me, and I was very nauseous and dizzy-like.... They the lady from the new organization and friends, rushed me to their brothers house who is a doctor... (as well as his wife) to get checked out. They immediately gave me meds and an iv...OUCH about an hour later, I was being rushed to the hospital because I had started vomiting very hard, and freezing from the inside out to the point that I was kinda in and out of consciousness... I have never been that cold in my life . I truly thought the worst because of being sooooo cold. I was in the hospital for about 3 days. Which was not fun at all!!!! I had numerous iv´s, and blood work which hurt very badly since they couldn't get blood drawn easily. An ultrasound , x-rays and more blood work just to say yep your staying the night so we can observe you , "we don´t know whats wrong yet". I was then moved from the emergency room to another area with just rows of sick and dying women. It was very scary to say the least. I was given meds through my iv for the time I stayed there, until after 2 or 3 hours of complaining something was wrong (on the third day), they finally really checked out my hand to notice it was red and swollen and infected due to the iv and meds... fun huh! I'm still dealing with that right now, not as bad but still some pain. After the 2 1/2 days there the docs decided they think its gastroenteritis or a severe case of food poisoning. Whatever it really was which we think (gastroenteritis) it hurt very badly, the stay in the hospital was crazy, scary , and a test for sure, however God was there and helped me through it all. I am now in Ocotepeque, loving it, and feeling better day by day. Still got the infection in my hand I'm dealing with and a bad cough but I´m getting there. I start teaching next week, however am at the school most of the day this week to get used to things, and ready for next week. I am thrilled and excited, a little nervous but I know I´ll do just fine. Nothing´s Impossible With God! that´s my favorite quote/saying , I think they are great words for me to live by. They are encouraging, helpful, and a great reminder of how God gets me through everything big or small, moves, or sickness, and how I CAN do anything with Him beside me. Well gotta go for now. I´ll update again soon, (more internet access here)... Till next time...I Love and Miss you all. God Bless!!!